Hi, I'm Sunjae Bae.

I am an assistant professor of surgery and population health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

I mainly work on 3 research areas:

I received my PhD, MHS, and MPH at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Before Hopkins, I received a KMD at Kyung Hee University and saw patients, mostly at Mokpo National Hospital [Korean]


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Full list available on PubMed and Google Scholar.

[Am J Transplant, 2018] Who Can Tolerate a Marginal Kidney? Predicting Survival After Deceased-Donor Kidney Transplantation by Donor-Recipient Combination. 

In kidney transplantation (KT), both donor quality and recipient health condition are key determinants of survival after KT. Understanding the interaction between the two factors can improve donor-recipient matching. We estimated post-KT survival using random forests, a machine learning algorithm that can reflect complex interactions between predictors with minimal assumptions. Also check out our online tool!

[Am J Transplant, 2016] Changes in discard rate after the introduction of the Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI).

We assessed how providing a numeric risk score of donor health conditions influenced clinical practice in kidney transplantation using a national dataset (n=57657). Our findings suggest an adverse “labeling effect” of the score: in other words, the improved risk index might have prompted clinicians to be more risk-averse.